The Ukrainian people have been defending themselves against Russia’s full-scale invasion for two years. Ukraine has been fighting against Russia’s aggression, which started with the illegal…
Two years ago, on 24 February 2024, Russia unleashed a full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine. While Russia hoped to crush the Ukrainian state and nation within days, Ukraine has not only held…
On Tuesday 6 February, the Cabinet of Ministers made a decision not to reinstate the operation of the Silene border crossing point from 11 February. The decision was taken based on the need to…
On 6 February, the Cabinet of Ministers approved amendments to the Regulations* approving new model for passports of Latvian citizens, passports of Latvian non-citizens, as well as travel documents…
“The European Union leaders’ agreement on predictable long-term support for Ukraine of EUR 50 billion is also very good news for the security of Latvia and Europe as a whole,” emphasizes Prime…
Latvia will further provide its solidary long-term support to Ukraine – political, financial, military – until Ukraine’s victory. Latvia also supports active measures against Russia’s war crimes, of…