Prime Minister
Baltijas valstu karogi

ACKNOWLEDGING that Baltic States’ disconnection from IPS/UPS and achieving energy independence from Russia is a fundamental goal tied to our security and continuous economic development. The Baltic States’ electricity system synchronization with the Continental European Network is a top priority of the current  Baltic States’ common energy policy. Moreover, the synchronization of the Baltic States with the Continental European Network holds strategic importance not only for us but for the entire European Union.


The fact that the Baltic States still remain a part of the IPS/UPS electricity system, managed from Russia, which is a threat to the Baltic States’ energy security.

On 20th June 2019, the European Commission, the Baltic States, and Poland agreed to implement synchronization of the Baltic States’ electricity system with Continental Europe via Poland at the latest in 2025.

The shifted geopolitical situation, resulting from the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, has also significantly deteriorated the energy security situation in the region and increased the risks of unplanned de-synchronization of the Baltic States’ electricity systems from IPS/UPS. These circumstances clearly indicate the need to accelerate all necessary arrangements for earlier synchronization with Continental European Network.

Joint Statement of 28th February 2022 between the Minister of Economics of the Republic of Latvia, the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Estonia, and the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, stating the commitment to ensure energy independence today and beyond in a spirit of regional cooperation through a common and coordinated approach giving full priority to the Baltic States’ electricity system synchronization with the Continental European Network.

The outcomes of the additional studies on the possibility to accelerate synchronous operation of the Baltic States’ power systems with the Continental European Network, which were conducted following the decisions of the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan (BEMIP) High-Level Group.


Redouble concerted efforts and full mobilization in ensuring political support for de-synchronization from IPS/UPS and achieving the synchronous operation of Baltic States’ electricity systems with the Continental European Network not later than by February 2025.

Endorse the Agreement of the Baltic States’ transmission system operators on Accelerated Synchronization of Baltic Power System with Continental Europe Synchronous Area concluded on 1st August, 2023, which must include a key list of necessary technical, organizational, and legal measures to ensure that the Baltic Power System will be ready for de-synchronization from IPS/UPS and synchronization with the Continental European Network by February 2025.

The Harmony Link project is important for the security of supply and stable operation, as well as integration of the electricity market after the synchronization of the Baltic States with the Continental Europe Network, which must be finalized no later than February 2025 and should be completed without unnecessary delays. There is an urgent need to address the financial shortfall so that comparable co-financing intensity is maintained throughout all Synchronization projects.

We stress that it is of utmost importance for the Baltic States to act together in the synchronization project. We must remember that we share a common adversary beyond the eastern border, and maintaining Baltic unity in the current geopolitical situation is particularly crucial.

Kaja Kalas
Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia

Arturs Krišjanis Karinš
Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia

Ingrida Šimonytė
Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania