Support for Ukraine Prime Minister
Ministru prezidente Evika Siliņa un Ukrainas prezidentes Volodomirs Zelenskis Kijivā

On Thursday 12 September, Prime Minister Evika Siliņa met with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to discuss joint action towards Ukraine's victory and a just peace. "Latvia and Ukraine share common values and common future in the Euro-Atlantic framework," said E. Siliņa.

The Prime Minister expressed gratitude to V. Zelenskyy for his cordial hospitality in Ukraine, as well as to the Ukrainian people for their courage and many good words about Latvia. The Prime Minister reaffirmed Latvia's continued support to Ukraine, which is fighting for its freedom, people, European values and security. “The entire Latvian society supports Ukraine,” emphasized E. Siliņa.

The officials discussed Ukraine's plans to hold the second Ukrainian Peace Summit, as well as Euro-Atlantic integration. The Prime Minister underlined that Latvia strongly supports Ukraine's path towards becoming a member of the European Union and NATO. Latvia will further advocate for Ukraine at the United Nations and other international fora to ensure that Ukraine receives the maximum and swiftest possible financial, humanitarian, political and other support.

During her meeting with V. Zelenskyy, the Prime Minister welcomed Ukraine's operation in the Kursk region, which has given Ukraine the initiative to defend itself against the aggressor state, Russia.

"We have different backgrounds, but our common future lies in the Euro-Atlantic community - a family of free and democratic countries. Ukraine has made heavy sacrifices and fought heroically to defend the most sacred values of the country - the land and free people. Latvia will remain a friend of Ukraine, and we will work together towards victory and a just peace in Ukraine," said E. Siliņa.

Latvia's military aid to Ukraine amounts to 0.25% of GDP this year and in the coming years. E. Siliņa discussed the third package of military assistance to Ukraine in 2024, the Latvia-UK-led drone coalition, as well as preparations for the 2025 military assistance and reconstruction projects in Ukraine. The third package 2024 will include company-sized Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked units (CVR(T)), drones, individual equipment for soldiers and equipment for military engineers. Latvia will also continue to train and equip a total of about 4,000 Ukrainian soldiers this year and a similar number in 2025.

On Wednesday 11 September, the Prime Minister met with Ruslan Stefanchuk, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The officials discussed Latvia's continued support for Ukraine and Euro-Atlantic integration, as well as the upcoming Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform to be held in Rīga in October this year. The Prime Minister expressed her gratitude to R. Stefanchuk for his contribution to the very close friendship between Latvia and Ukraine and the words by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, "Latvia may be a small country, but you are a great nation".


12.09.2024. Ministru prezidente Evika Siliņa tiekas ar Ukrainas prezidentu Volodimiru Zelenski Kijivā.
11.09.2024. Ministru prezidente Evita Siliņa piedalās izstādes Krimas dārgumu atgriešana atklāšanā.
11.09.2024. Ministru prezidente Evika Siliņa tiekas ar Latvijas vēstniecības Ukrainā darbiniekiem un sniedz interviju ICTV televīzijai Kijivā.
11.09.2024. Ministru prezidente Evika Siliņa tiekas ar Ukrainas Augstākās Radas priekšsēdētāju Ruslanu Stefančuku Kijivā.
Ministru prezidente Evika Siliņa tiekas ar Ukrainas premjerministru Denisu Šmihaļu

Aleksis Zoldners

Press Secretary of the Prime Minister
aleksis.zoldners [at]