Prime Minister Support for Ukraine NATO
Ministru prezidente Evika Siliņa tiekas ar  Viņa Majestāti Spānijas karali Felipi VI

"Latvia and Spain have an increasingly close friendship, and the countries make joint efforts to contribute to Europe's security and prosperity," emphasized Prime Minister Evika Siliņa during the meeting with His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain at the Cabinet of Ministers on Tuesday 25 June.

The officials discussed bilateral cooperation in the fields of security, military industry, economy and culture, as well as support to Ukraine. The Prime Minister stressed that Latvia's annual military aid to Ukraine amounts to 0.25% of gross domestic product, and expressed her gratitude for Spain's contribution to the strengthening of security of Latvia, the Baltic region, the European Union and NATO. The Spanish contingent is the second largest after Canada in the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence battle group deployed in Latvia. Spain has also deployed the NASAMS air defence system in Latvia.

"The visit of His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain to Latvia is another sign of the excellent relations and friendship between our countries. Latvia and Spain are working together to contribute to the security and prosperity of the whole of Europe. The Spanish soldiers are currently successfully serving in the NATO battle group in Latvia, thereby further strengthening our relations. I am pleased that the useful experience gained in Latvia contributes to more efficient performance of joint tasks by the soldiers of NATO countries, including Spain. Our countries are also working together on a daily basis at different levels to enhance cooperation," said E. Siliņa.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister also highlighted the need to address the challenges related to EU border security, both in the East and the South, as well as to resolutely counter Russia's hybrid threat operations.

25.06.2024. Ministru prezidente Evika Siliņa tiekas ar  Viņa Majestāti Spānijas karali Felipi VI.

Aleksis Zoldners

Press Secretary of the Prime Minister
aleksis.zoldners [at]