Prime Minister

On February 17-19, Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis will pay a working visit to Brussels to meet the heads of the EU institutions, and will participate in the European Council meeting.

Within the framework of the working visit, Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis will hold bilateral meetings with the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, President of the European Council Donald Tusk and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker. M.Kučinskis and heads of the European Union institutions will discuss current EU developments - the need to implement the decisions taken in the field of migration, including the strengthening of external borders, and will also focus on energy and climate issues, as well as the United Kingdom's referendum. The Prime Minister will also meet Vice President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis.

At the European Council meeting on February 18-19, the EU Heads of State and Government will discuss two key issues. First, they plan to find solutions to a number of areas in relation to the United Kingdom's issue - competitiveness, economic governance, sovereignty, as well as social security and freedom of movement. At the beginning of February, President of the European Council Donald Tusk proposed a new regulation which addresses all these issues. During the European Council, the officials will continue negotiations to reach an agreement amongst all 28 EU Member States.

As regards migration issues, the representatives of the European Council will assess the implementation of decisions taken in response to the migration and refugee crisis. The main topics to be discussed by the EU leaders will include the management of external borders, humanitarian assistance, implementation of the EU - Turkey Action Plan, as well as evaluation of activities of the so-called hot spots which have been established to help the Member States facing a particularly high rate of migration at the EU's external borders.


Media contacts:
Lita Juberte
Press Secretary to the Cabinet of Ministers
Phone: +371 28803639

Andrejs Vaivars
Press Secretary to the Prime Minister
Phone: +371 29228678