Ministry of Welfare Cabinet of ministers
Neredzīgs vīrietis sēž uz uz soliņa.

Over the next four years, five complementary action lines are envisaged to promote the development of a disability-oriented support system at cross-sectoral level. This is laid down in the "Plan for Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities 2024-2027", which was considered and adopted at the Government sitting on Tuesday, 21 May.

In order to successfully fulfil Latvia's obligations to implement the principles set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Plan addresses cross-sectoral issues, providing the broadest possible inter-sectoral coverage. Thus, the Plan envisages a complex set of measures aimed at ensuring quality disability expertise, development of targeted support services to mitigate the effects of disability, promotion of inclusive employment, strengthening accessibility requirements and public education on disability-related issues.

The Plan will be implemented through the national budget and the EU funds. The indicative total additional funding for 2025 amounts to EUR 15.6 million, while for for 2026 - EUR 13.2 million and for 2027 - EUR 11.1 million.