Prime Minister

On Wednesday, 17 February, Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis met President of the European Council Donald Tusk in Brussels and discussed current EU developments.

M.Kučinskis welcomed the proposals set forth to the European Council meeting by the President of the European Council Donald Tusk in order to reach a compromise on the UK’s referendum issue. "It is important that the solution reached as the result of the discussions is acceptable for all EU Member States and such exceptions should not become a common practice in the daily work of the European Union.”

Within the framework of the meeting with the President of the European Council, the Prime Minister confirmed that Latvia will fulfil its commitments regarding the migration problem.

“The involvement in resettlement of asylum seekers should be voluntary also in the future," said the Prime Minister. Also during this meeting, the Prime Minister stressed that the strengthening of the EU’s external borders should be a common priority.

M. Kučinskis expressed his willingness to focus more on climate and energy issues in the future. The Prime Minister stressed that "any actions in the area of climate need to be balanced with economic development.”

The Prime Minister presented the President of the European Council with the priorities of his government and confirmed that he will continue the foreign policy direction set by the previous government by supporting the political and economic unity, competitiveness and effective functioning of the EU.

From 17-19 February, Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis is paying a working visit to Brussels where he will meet the heads of EU institutions and participate in the European Council meeting. The European Council will be held on 18 -19 February where the EU Heads of State and Government will discuss two main topics - the United Kingdom's deal and the migration issue.


Media contacts:

Lita Juberte
Press Secretary to the Cabinet of Ministers
Phone: 67082919; 28803639

Andrejs Vaivars
Press Secretary to the Prime Minister
Phone: +371 29228678