Ministry of Welfare Cabinet of ministers
Sieviete pie datora. Uz galda vingrošanas paklājiņš.

Current demographic trends in Latvia point towards an ageing population and a decrease in population, especially those of working age, resulting in a decline in the share of the working age population. It is therefore crucial to ensure that all groups of active population remain as healthy and productive as possible in the labour market and to implement the measures that promote longer and better working lives and active ageing for elderly people employed.

In order to improve the working environment and conditions for employees (especially those at risk of incapacity for work and the elderly), the European Union Cohesion Policy Programme for 2021-2027 foresees the implementation of Action ‘Promoting Longer and Better Working Lives’ aimed at involving employees in health promotion and improvement measures and providing support to employers for sustainable employment of employees.

The regulations setting out the procedure for implementing the Action ‘Promoting Longer and Better Working Lives’ under the European Union's Cohesion Policy programme for 2021-2027 were adopted at the Government sitting on Tuesday 2 July.

The Action aims to support employers by highlighting and addressing in particular ergonomic and psycho-emotional risks in the working environment. The Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health of Riga Stradiņš University will develop a methodology for in-depth assessment of ergonomic and psycho-emotional risks in the working environment, as well as a catalogue of collective and personal protective equipment and a catalogue of health promotion and improvement measures, according to which workplaces can be adapted and work processes improved in enterprises.

Within the framework of the project, the consultations will be provided for employers and employees on issues of labour protection, labour rights, non-discrimination, promoting longer and better working lives, as well as experience exchange activities to learn about and transfer good practices in enterprises. It will be carried out by the cooperation partners - the Latvian Free Trade Union Confederation and the Employers' Confederation of Latvia.

At least 2,500 employees will be given the opportunity to improve their work conditions - for example, by taking part in health promotion and improvement activities at work. Employees aged 45 and over who are advised by an occupational physician to take part in health improvement measures (e.g. specialist advice, physiotherapy sessions, etc.) will be reimbursed up to EUR 500 per person. Employers will be reimbursed for adapting existing workplaces and improving work processes. The selection of employers for participation in the project and the involvement of employees in the support measures is indicatively planned to start in early 2025.

The total available funding for the Action amounts to EUR 12.8 million, including ESF Plus funding of EUR 10.9 million and state budget co-funding of EUR 1.9 million.